珠峰测量(Mount Everest survey).doc

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珠峰测量(Mount Everest survey)

珠峰测量(Mount Everest survey) The 2005 Mount Everest high altitude survey is being carried out, attracting many peoples eyes and bringing a lot of questions and puzzles to the people. What does it mean to measure the height of a mountain? Is the measurement process difficult? What is the height of the worlds first peak? How to measure? How accurate is the measurement? Why does it take nearly half a year?...... Since the first day of a follow-up interview with the Mount Everest survey team in March 12th, these questions have been circulating in the minds of journalists. More than 20 days, in order to find the answers to these questions, the reporter interviewed a number of experts: Deputy Director of the State Bureau of Surveying and mapping, the National Geomatics Center of the measurement campaign director Zhang Yanping senior engineer, the first geodetic team of State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Team vice captain Chen Yongjun, the National Bureau of Surveying and mapping of national basic geographic information center director Zhang Jiangqi geodesy. What does the height of Mount Everest mean? Reporter: it is understood that Chinas Mount Everest this year, highly retest action has been planned for nearly a year, the state has invested a lot of money. Since March this year, the entire measurement and calculation process will take almost half a year, and it is expected that the measurements will be published to the world by September. Why does it take so much time to measure the height of a mountain? Answer: many people think that measuring Mount Everest is a geometric problem, but it is not. Height, and we are also called Gao Cheng in surveying. At first glance, it seems to be a very simple geometric concept, such as how tall a person is, and how high the altitude of a place is. But deep thought, it is not simple, in science, elevation is actually a position definition, said the elevation of a site is how much, express the point of the earths surface relative to th


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