珠宝首饰与化学 论文(Jewelry and chemical papers).doc

珠宝首饰与化学 论文(Jewelry and chemical papers).doc

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珠宝首饰与化学 论文(Jewelry and chemical papers)

珠宝首饰与化学 论文(Jewelry and chemical papers) This paper by Tang yangzom contribution DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Jade, the beauty of stone. - jade. Through the ages, the word jade is a beautiful and noble word in peoples mind. People use jade words too many to count words, to express their favorite things, such as jade, jade, body, and the beauty and so on, die for the justice described as would rather die than disgrace. In todays daily life, jade, or wear, or furnishings, is nothing but an ordinary ornament. Jade China importance in the history of civilization is not the All the world knows. Jade culture lasted 7000 years, so far, the charm is not diminished, vitality is more and more exuberant, it can not be said that is a miracle in the history of world civilization. The profound influence of jade on ancient Chinese politics, etiquette, commerce, totem, religion, belief, even life customs and aesthetic taste is incomparable to any other ancient artifact. It is the ancient ancestors worshiped fetish, is a symbol of strict etiquette rank system, the aesthetic concept of the performance of the Chinese nation, is the incarnation of good character. Jade is a history of the development of a Chinese civilization, the Chinese nation is famous for his jade and jade. Jade ware is both spiritual wealth and material wealth in ancient society. The unique beauty of jade and its smooth and smooth endoplasmic, making it a supernatural object and endowed with the beauty of humanity, the ancients seem to devote all their talents and enthusiasm to jade. The so-called gentleman Peter Yu, characteristics of virtue is jade, and personified, morality, become the eyes of the ancients of good moral symbol of upright gentlemen. Jade carving of rare and difficult, and the use of jade jade ritual, the worth of goods treasure of the first, the gold prices are priceless jade


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