班级联谊活动方案(Class activities program).doc

班级联谊活动方案(Class activities program).doc

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班级联谊活动方案(Class activities program)

班级联谊活动方案(Class activities program) 文 章来源 课 件 in. 5y k j c om 【活动方案目的】: 培养班级同学的团队精神和协作的能力, 提高班集体凝聚力, 增进班级间的友谊, 丰富大家的课余生活【活动方案名称】: 大家一起来, 我要我精彩.【活动方案主题】: 我的青春, 我做主 - 班级联谊活动【活动方案时间】: 待定【活动方案地点】: 户外烧烤场所 / 多媒体教室 / 草地【活动方案形式】: 将两个班的同学分为若干小组, 每个小组保证各有一半成员来自不同的班级, 从而达到联谊的目的【活动方案内容】: 一、烧烤活动方案1. 建议班委开会决定是否举办, 需要同学交一定的烧烤费用, 但费用不会很高, 如果决定可以, 可以自带食物烧烤, 也可以到烧烤场购买.2.如果决定不去烧烤, 只想简单的一个联谊晚会, 那么可以省去此环节, 联谊活动可以在一个多媒体教室或者在一个比较开阔的草地上举办.二、主持人致活动方案开幕词, 活动开始.三、娱乐游戏环节注: 节目的选取和顺序可以根据具体情况作出相应的调整节目一: 队名大比拼 (破冰节目) 目的: 破冰, 让组员相互了解熟悉, 并提高组员的争强斗胜之心及捍卫团队荣誉使命感时间: 5分钟道具: 大白纸, 大水笔 (写队名用), 奖品 规则: 1.各组想好一个具有代表性的队名, 并选好队长, The group is responsible for the lead command 2. by the captain told the host name of the team. 3. host, the best team elected each vote, and give the group prizes. Program two: nazonazo prize contest (big brain cooperation program) objective: to ignite the atmosphere, so that each group member is active, and test their team spirit, enhance team cohesion: each team member props: brainteasers, prize game rules: 1. each have two to three questions. 2. host questions, each answer, first to the group represented the answer. 3. answer the wrong riddle and answer it again. 4. each answer questions, the host issued prizes. Program three: have I come to guess than you (use your hands cooperative program) props: pen and paper, can be used to prepare some sign language animal characters, idioms or number of items: a group of two people, many groups participated in the rules of the game: the game began to show a group of two people to face to face (a human performance planning, one guess), and then by the host would have to guess the phrase or word written on a piece of paper, let the author to show dynamic guess, when performers, performers can guess guess are doing idioms or words, even if the pass. (note: the author can use the language to explain, but cannot say the word (action), and one in a dilemma, get in by every opening cornered, look around, out of thin air, and look cheerful answers, a


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