生物实验室英语常见耗材、仪器、操作、试剂英文名称(Biology laboratory English common consumables, instruments, operations, reagents, English name).doc

生物实验室英语常见耗材、仪器、操作、试剂英文名称(Biology laboratory English common consumables, instruments, operations, reagents, English name).doc

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生物实验室英语常见耗材、仪器、操作、试剂英文名称(Biology laboratory English common consumables, instruments, operations, reagents, English name)

生物实验室英语常见耗材、仪器、操作、试剂英文名称(Biology laboratory English common consumables, instruments, operations, reagents, English name) Before you enter the foreign laboratory, if not familiar with the related items in the process of English name and pronunciation, and you will be between the technical staff in the room have strong communication barriers, the efficiency will be greatly reduced. Here I summarize a number of articles related to the content, and in conjunction with their own laboratory situation, to add a lot of vocabulary, I hope for the study of biological scientists abroad to help. Welcome everybody to add correction. I. containers and supplies (vessel consumable material) Vial vial A measuring cup Beaker beaker A measuring flask/measuring cylinderer Crucible crucible Crucible clamp, crucible, clamp Test tube test tube Funnel funnel Cuvette cuvette Fish tank aquarium Flask flask Conical flask conical flask Plug stopper/plug Bottle washing plastic, wash, bottle Glass piston stopcock Reagent bottle reagent bottles Glass rod glass rod Stir bar stirring, rod Capacity bottle volumetric, flask/measuring, flask Pipette (One-mark) pipette Pipette pipette Filter filter Filter paper filter paper Petri dishes culture, dish Liquid shift gun pipette Pipette gun head pipette tips Razor blade razor blade Scalpel scalpel Garbage bag, disposable, bag Garbage can garbage bin 橡皮筋橡胶带 托盘托盘 铝箔铝箔 洗耳球橡胶吸球 保鲜膜保鲜膜 研磨钵砂浆 研杵杵 小滴管滴管 蒸馏装置蒸馏装置 桶斗 广口瓶广口瓶 离心机转子转子 试管架试管架/货架 酒精灯酒精灯 酒精喷灯爆炸酒精灯 搅拌装置搅拌装置 石蜡封口膜封口膜 微量离心管(EP管)离心管 载玻片滑 盖玻片玻璃盖 离心管离心管 电泳槽胶罐 电线引线 牙签牙签 螺丝钉螺钉 锁紧螺母螺母,Cap nut 复印纸复印纸 复写纸复写纸 钉钉 试管刷试管刷 计时器定时器 闹钟闹钟 你形钉短 衣服挂钩衣架 电泳用的梳子梳 扳手扳手 订书机订书机 订书钉短 圆珠笔芯笔芯 灯泡截止 记号笔标记笔 注射器注射器 注射器活塞柱塞 铁架台铁支持 万能夹扩展卡 止水夹flatjaw弹簧夹 圆形漏斗架铸铁环 橡胶管橡胶管 药匙实验室勺 镊子钳 剪刀剪刀 打孔器塞钻 pH试纸广泛pH试纸 称量纸称量纸 擦镜纸擦拭镜头 水银温度计水银温度计 真空泵真空泵 水浴锅水浴锅 口罩呼吸器 电极电极 阳极,正极阳极 阴极,负极阴极 二实验操作(操作): 丢弃丢弃 转移容器澄清 吸出抽吸 吹吸吹吸 离心收集颗粒 重悬悬浮 絮状沉淀絮状沉淀 浑浊的混浊 烘烤 灭菌消毒 培养培育 通风通风 冷却冷下来 稀释稀 洗脱洗脱 孵育孵化 裂解物裂解 沉淀物沉积物 上清上清 色谱色谱仪 沉淀沉淀 接种接种 探针探针 蒸馏蒸馏/提取 搅拌搅拌/搅拌 中和中和 漂洗冲洗 脱水脱水 发酵发酵 溶解溶



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