电路设计注意事项(Circuit design notes).doc

电路设计注意事项(Circuit design notes).doc

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电路设计注意事项(Circuit design notes)

电路设计注意事项(Circuit design notes) 2006-11-21 | circuit design considerations: one of the label technology: cost savings diary trifles Phenomenon 1: these high / low resistance, with how much resistance does not matter, choose an integer 5K it! Comments: the market does not exist 5K resistance, the closest is 4.99K (accuracy 1%), followed by 5.1K (accuracy 5) %) the cost is 4 times and 2 times higher than that of 4.7K with a precision of 20%. 20% precision resistance value is only 1, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7, 6.8, several categories (including an integer multiple of 10); similarly, the capacitance of the 20% precision only On several values, if you choose another value, you must use higher precision, the cost is turned several times, but can not bring For any good. Phenomenon two: what color does the indicator light on the panel choose? I think blue is more special. Just choose it Comments: other red, green, yellow, orange and other colors, regardless of size (5MM below) package, have been mature for decades, Prices are generally below 5 cents, while blue is invented in the past three or four years, technology maturity and supply stability Prices are four or five times more expensive. At present, blue lights are used only in fields that cannot be replaced by other colors Such as displaying video signals and so on. Phenomenon three: this logic with 74XX gate circuit is also OK, but too much soil, or use CPLD bar, it seems more high-grade Comments: 74XX gate circuit only a few cents, and CPLD at least dozens of blocks (GAL/PAL although only a few dollars), But the company is not recommended. The cost has been raised by N times, and it has been added several times to production, documentation, and so on. Phenomenon four: our system requires so high, including MEM, CPU, FPGA and other chips to choose the fastest Comment: in a high-speed system, not every part is working in a high-speed state, and the device speed is increased by one The price is almost double, and the signal inte



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