甲烷的物理性质与化学性质(Physical and chemical properties of methane).doc

甲烷的物理性质与化学性质(Physical and chemical properties of methane).doc

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甲烷的物理性质与化学性质(Physical and chemical properties of methane)

甲烷的物理性质与化学性质(Physical and chemical properties of methane) Physical and chemical properties of methane Li Xinqiang, Grade 2007, School of chemistry, Beijing Normal University First, the content of Situational Teaching The selection of this section for the scene design of high school chemistry teaching, teaching content selection for ordinary senior middle school textbooks published by peoples education press Chemistry (compulsory and elective 2) in the fifth chapter the first section of the content of methane hydrocarbon. This section is the first time that students have been involved in organic chemistry at high school chemistry studies, thus starting with the simplest organic methane. The teaching contents include the structural formula, spatial structure and physical and chemical properties of methane. Focus on the spatial structure, oxidation and substitution reactions of methane. Two, the intention and purpose of scene creation Chemistry is a central, practical and creative subject. Therefore, in the teaching activities of chemistry, we should link theory with practice, explain some phenomena in life, and solve the simple chemical problems by using the knowledge we have studied. In the course of explanation and solution, students are trained to experiment with the ability and ability to analyze problems. 1, through the content of the scene material, arouse the interest and enthusiasm of the students, make the teaching to lively, lively and active direction, and make the students accept knowledge in excitement and pleasure. 2, through the analysis and experiment of the scene material, develop the general method of the student chemistry research. Discover the problem Analyze problems, design experiments, experiment, draw results, draw conclusions. 3, through the study of situational materials, to understand some common chemical knowledge, set up chemical safety awareness, improve the ability to analyze and solve problems, improve the level of scientific literacy.



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