痛经停贴剂作用研究(Study on the effect of stopping pain by stopping pain).doc

痛经停贴剂作用研究(Study on the effect of stopping pain by stopping pain).doc

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痛经停贴剂作用研究(Study on the effect of stopping pain by stopping pain)

痛经停贴剂作用研究(Study on the effect of stopping pain by stopping pain) Study on the effect of stopping pain by stopping pain Update Date: 2009-12-21 Click: Sun Yongkang, Gao Causeway, Gao Yanlu The animal experiments found that many actions of tjt have been against pituitrin induced rabbit uterus excited, make uterine smooth muscle EMG frequency, the peak potential intensity decreased; against oxytocin induced writhing response of rat uterine hypercontractility emerged; acid potassium antimony tartrate against writhing reaction in mice caused by croton oil ear; the inflammatory test antagonism effect; improve blood rheological indexes under pathological conditions. Keywords dysmenorrhea stop patch; analgesic effect; anti-inflammatory effect; hemorheology; Research, on, the, Action, of, Tongjingting (TJT) Paste Sun, Yongkang, Gao, Sudi, Gao, Yanlu Shandong, Jinan, Maternity, and, Child, Care, Hospital, 250001 Abstract Many actions of TJT have been found by experiments on animals: Resisting pituitrin inducing uterus exitability of rabbits, reducing electric frequency and P.V.H of uterus smooth muscle Resisting reaction of sprainning body; after oxytocin causes contracting of rat uterus Resisting reaction of rat spraining; body caused by antimony potassium tartrate Resisting reaction of mice ear inflammation; caused by croton oil; 对大鼠血液流变学指标变化了。 关键词该糊;镇痛作用;抗炎作用;血液流变学 痛经停贴剂是多年用于治疗痛经等证的有效外用药,为了继承发掘祖国医药学宝藏,我们通过基础实验,验证了痛经停贴剂的主要作用。 1实验材料 痛经停贴剂(简称痛经停,由山东中医药大学提供),吲哚美辛擦剂(北京四环制药厂,批号951207);苯甲酸雌二醇(上海第九制药厂,批号951001);只大鼠,雌性200~250克;新西兰长毛兔,雌性2.5~3.5公斤;昆明系小白鼠,18~22克(动物标本均由山东省实验动物中心提供,编号:鲁动质950701)。 2实验方法及结果 2.1对兔子宫平滑肌肌电活动的影响 取成年未孕雌兔,用3%戊巴比妥钠麻醉,仰卧于手术台上,腹部脱毛,沿腹白线切开腹壁,用手指轻轻钩出右侧子宫。参照saartes方法,用在体子宫平滑肌电位的细胞外记录方法,用双极引导,将双电极插入子宫浆膜下,二电极距离0.5~2厘米,然后将子宫放回腹腔内,让其自然复位,皮肤切口再插一针头,作无效电极,待休息30分钟后记录肌电,实验动物体温保持在38℃±0.50℃。 Using the XD-1 type ECG amplifier, the TL-3 beta three notebook recorder first recorded 30 min normal EMG, and then IV pituitrin injection 0.5 u/kg, recording 30 min. The blade to disappea



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