电磁兼容技术及其在pcb设计中的应用2(EMC technology and its application in PCB design 2).doc

电磁兼容技术及其在pcb设计中的应用2(EMC technology and its application in PCB design 2).doc

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电磁兼容技术及其在pcb设计中的应用2(EMC technology and its application in PCB design 2)

电磁兼容技术及其在pcb设计中的应用2(EMC technology and its application in PCB design 2) Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. VIP information C4.28TN315 / PIS0710SN10.3X Computer engineering and Science COMPUEENGNRITRIEENGSICENCE 2004 volume fourth, issue twenty-sixth V0.6,.2O12No4, O4 Article number: 0710 (040 - 8, 310.X20) 400030 EMC technology and its application in PB design C EMCadIsAplainiCBDeinntpitnPsgco Yu Haizhen. Feng YUizeHa.hn. FENGoHa (School of information engineering, Jiang industry university. Jiang, Hangzhou, 301) Zhejiang and Zhejiang 104 (colfIfrtnEgneighjniestfehooyShoomainier. ZeagUnvriocnlg. Haghu301. CiaononiyTnzo104hn) Abstract: it is very important to carry out electromagnetic compatibility (M) in the circuit design phase of printed circuit board. This article describes the EC setup The electromagnetic compatibility technology and its application in printed circuit board design, components and the arrangement of the ground from the power line and the signal line selection to the printed circuit board, combining with POERTLs POE9SRTL9E software, a kind of reducing electromagnetic interference in PB design for C Calculation method. AsatIivrmprnosreetmgesoably (MCeiunhorfbtc ~ seiotttttlrantmcmptitE) dsndrgtecusortyaacoiaigie Psiutdsg.TippritdcstetcnqeoMCadiplainiCBdsg, 我铜我CB CR我我C N H S E N R U E H E H I U S F R E O N T P I T N P E I S C O N T E C O C LDN F B、T E R N E N费N,T E D SG F R U D TA E、人T C SA D S A R C S F N H IE O PC H RA G我我T h e i o o n R C S N G I R E N I LT E。我一个N G l L,W T O IIG RO EL 9 E,Ad SG FRD CN lcrma N T nefrn EI PE E TD。Y C mbnn I P T 9 S H E D O E U我咩Ig G EI EE的rsne itree C N C 关键词:印制电路板;磁兼容;电电磁干扰;R T L PO E 可比性;可容许性 中图分类号:N 1,N 3 T 40 T 2:0 文献标识码:一 The electromagnetic environment level is the electrical interference from the natural interference source and the man-made interference source 1 Introduction Electromagnetic


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