电热水器的分类和产品特点概述(Classification and product features of electric water heater).doc

电热水器的分类和产品特点概述(Classification and product features of electric water heater).doc

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电热水器的分类和产品特点概述(Classification and product features of electric water heater)

电热水器的分类和产品特点概述(Classification and product features of electric water heater) Classification and product features of electric water heater What is an electric water heater? A water heater that uses electricity as an energy source is usually called an electric water heater. The utility model is one of the three large water heaters juxtaposed with a gas water heater and a solar water heater. Classification of electric water heaters According to the water storage electric water heater can be divided into thermal and volumetric (also known as water storage and heat storage type), quick heat (also called semi water storage type) three; volume type is the main form of the electric water heater installation, according to the different ways, can be further divided into vertical and horizontal and floor type, according to the pressure or not, and can be divided into simple type (open) and pressure (closed), according to the size of the volume can be divided into large volume and small volume type. That is, the hot electric water heater usually needs 20 or even more than 30 ampere of current, that is, open heat, water temperature constant, high heating efficiency, small installation space. The internal processing of high-quality low-voltage electric hot water heater, can increase the shunt at the time of installation, water supply for a number of leading, high power products installed in the bathroom, can be used for shower, can also be used for washing, general household use, energy conservation and environmental protection. According to the market demand, electric hot water heater is further divided into the shower and kitchen type (known as kitchen PO), electric hot water heater is currently the main OTLAN brand and other brand market share is very small. The concept of quick heating electric water heater: fast heating electric water heater is an independent type of electric water heater which is different from water storage and instant heating. The main characteristics of


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