白蚁的防治方法(Prevention and cure methods of termites).doc

白蚁的防治方法(Prevention and cure methods of termites).doc

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白蚁的防治方法(Prevention and cure methods of termites)

白蚁的防治方法(Prevention and cure methods of termites) Prevention and cure methods of termites There are many kinds of termites, and their eating habits and habitats are different. There are many ways to prevent and cure them. They can be divided into three kinds in general. First, the prevention and control of civil amphibious termites A family of amphibious termites primarily of termites and termites. A termite The site of termite damage is generally dark, humid and poorly ventilated, so the design and material selection of the building must be carried out under conditions such as light transmission, ventilation and moisture resistance. Should first remove the building all stumps, wood, paper scraps and all fiber containing waste in infrastructure before. In areas where termites are abundant, ground contact with building timber should be avoided. At the same time also can along the building wall, the medicine for soil treatment, prevention of termite invasion harm. There are 50% commonly used drugs chlordane EC diluted with water 100 times, 1m3 spraying 10kg susceptible to termite wood, available copper chromium arsenic mixture (CCA) impregnated, brushing and spray prevention treatment. 1. The main ingredients of ant powder used to kill ants are arsenic trioxide. The use of the formula, are similar, there are three kinds of commonly used: 1 arsenite 85%, salicylic acid 10%, soft red 5%; the arsenite 80% salicylic acid 10%, 5% mercuric chloride, arsenic and arsenite red 5%; 70%, 25%, three and two talc powder oxidation (or fine green powder) 5%. The use of ant powder in the main nest or termite nest side can reach a lot of pesticide to wipe out the termites nest group. The old ant Road, which has no termites, is dry and loose. Also according to composition and color and other harmful trace ant route to determine the location of the nest. Ground wood in the heart of a tree and nest nest, the ants road color was brown, and multi fiber; such as ants road components in soil


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