真三国无双4全道具作用分析(Analysis of the function of the 4 props of the true Three Kingdoms).doc

真三国无双4全道具作用分析(Analysis of the function of the 4 props of the true Three Kingdoms).doc

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真三国无双4全道具作用分析(Analysis of the function of the 4 props of the true Three Kingdoms)

真三国无双4全道具作用分析(Analysis of the function of the 4 props of the true Three Kingdoms) The rabbit: the fastest horse in the game Practical: assumes. The mirror ratio assumes: As the fastest horse in the game, with the way is best suited. The most common character full. With this generation of the enemy is not a positive jump cut, the rabbit has almost replaced the 353 off position. (but for most people, Ma Chao is still the first choice. Of course. If properly controlled, the red is still the first choice, oh ~) Lu: value added 20 points of luck. Practical:. Photographed by Not what is the difference between belt and seven, 4. Plus the slowest speed, the rate of the poors photogenic. Lightning: to make it 1.5 times the original Practical: * * * Photographed:. Special characters such as brush level. To reach the highest level is starting up. Especially in some high level with Chengwu hoon, higher efficiency. The more common a quick brush is riding a yellow flying feats of electricity to Hulao destroy Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo quickly pass. A: in the off immediately attacked by the enemy will not fall down (tornadoes and other individual special attacks will still be from immediately knocked down) Practical: assumes. Photographed: * * * This version is still a horse riding must shadow play. The effect of BUG (Xiuluo model still exists, but useless) in 354. The rate is very low. In the red. There to clarify the reason. Elephant riding: elephant riding out Practical:. Photographed by As valuables actually just an elephant instead of riding like that couple Meng strong. Both practical speed of only 120. degree or on rate is very low. But sometimes it is good to plan a fun, laugh Inflammation of jade: damage caused by inflammatory attributes Data: enemies infected by an inflammatory property lose 15 points per second (regardless of the level of Defense) Practical: assumes The mirror ratio assumes: This generation of Yanyu strengthened, making the blood more thick skinned super gener



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