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益智题(Puzzle) The 75 logical thinking question is that 10 IQ is normal, 30 is not human, and 60 is high [1] suppose there is a pond, and there is an infinite amount of water in it. There are 2 empty kettles, with 5 litres and 6 litres respectively. The question is how to get 3 litres of water from the pond with only 2 pots. [2] Zhou Wens mother is a chemical analyst at Yu Lin cement plant. One day, Zhou Wen came to the laboratory to do his homework. I want to go out and play after I finish. Wait a minute, mother will have a question for you, she continued. Look at these 6 glasses for testing. The front 3 are filled with water, and the back 3 is empty.. You can only move 1 glasses, like the cup filled with water and the empty cup intervals up? Love brains, Zhou Wen, is the famous smart school, she just wanted to do for a while. Please think about it. How did little smart do it? [3] the three boys fell in love with a girl at the same time, and in order to decide who could marry the girl, they decided to make a duel with a pistol. Xiao Lis shooting rate is 30%, Xiao Huang is better than him, the hit rate is 50%, and the best marksman is Kobayashi. He never fails, and the hit rate is 100%. As a result of this obvious fact, for fairness, they decided to press this order: Xiao Li first shot, Xiao Huang second, Kobayashi finally. And then cycle, until theres only one person left. So who has the best chance to survive in these three? What strategies should they adopt? [4] a room held two prisoners. Every day the prison will provide a pot of soup for the room, so that the two prisoners in their own. At first, the two men often quarrel, because they always have people think that each others own multi soup. Later, they found a way to have the best of both worlds: one person divided the soup and the other chose the first one. So the dispute was settled. But now this room has added a new prisoner, now is the three person to the soup. A new approach must be sought to maintain peace



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