痛经缓解(Dysmenorrhea relief).doc

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痛经缓解(Dysmenorrhea relief)

痛经缓解(Dysmenorrhea relief) Dietotherapy thought 1, a balanced diet, although a healthy diet can not eliminate the pain, but to improve the health of the whole body, but it has magical effect. Avoid sweet or salty junk food. They can make you feel sluggish and sluggish. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, and try to eat as little as possible. 2, minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium can also help relieve pain. Experts found that women who took calcium were less likely to suffer pain than those who did not. Magnesium is also important because it helps the body absorb calcium efficiently. It is possible to increase calcium and magnesium intake on the eve of menstruation and during the period. 3, avoid caffeine, coffee, tea, cola, chocolate contains caffeine, make you nervous, may cause menstrual discomfort. Therefore, caffeine should be avoided. In addition, coffee contains fat may also stimulate the small intestine. 4, temperance, if you are prone to edema during menstruation, alcohol will aggravate this problem. Dont drink. If you must drink, limit between 1 and 2 glasses of wine. 5, eat warm food such as brown sugar, brown sugar and warm, sweet, Rupi, with Qi and blood, spleen and stomach, reduce the pain, the role of blood stasis. Chinese medicine believes that postpartum body more deposition, and eight empty, each caused by abdominal pain. Anyone who is partial to silt, Doctors often impose biochemical soup, Shixiaosan and jinlingzisan or, in order to medicine after the brown sugar transfer service, the aim is to use brown sugar Tongyu or row lochia role and achieve the aim of alleviating pain. 6, do not use diuretics, many women think diuretics can relieve menstrual swelling discomfort, but Dr grams opposed this approach. Diuretics remove vital minerals, together with water, from the body. It may be possible to reduce the retention of substances such as salt and alcohol, the doctor suggests. 7 keep warm and keep warm. It will accelerate th



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