精制香连胶囊抗实验性腹泻研究(Study on anti experimental diarrhea of refined Xianglian capsules).doc

精制香连胶囊抗实验性腹泻研究(Study on anti experimental diarrhea of refined Xianglian capsules).doc

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精制香连胶囊抗实验性腹泻研究(Study on anti experimental diarrhea of refined Xianglian capsules)

精制香连胶囊抗实验性腹泻研究(Study on anti experimental diarrhea of refined Xianglian capsules) Study on anti experimental diarrhea of refined Xianglian capsules Update Date: 2011-09-21 Click: Cao Yu, Zhang Lei, Peng Longling, Wen Zhijian Abstract: the capsule for treating dysentery was made into capsules, and the experimental diarrhea was studied. Results showed that it can remarkably reduce the mice diarrhea induced by Senna (P 0.01), and compared with the control drug and Berberine Hydrochloride Tablets Xianglian tablet is better (P 0.05, P 0.01). Keywords Xianglian capsule; experimental diarrhea CLC number: R285.5, document identification code: A, article number: 1008-0805 (2000) 03-0200-01 The, Antidiarrheal, Effects, of, Xianglian, Capsule CAO, Yu, ZHANG, Lei, PENG, Long-ling, WEN, Zhi-jian (Sichuan, Institute, of, Chinese, Materia, Media, Chengdu, 610041, China) Abstract Antidiarrheal, effects, of, Xianglian, were, studied., The, results, showed, that, Xianglian, capsule, obviously, could, reduce, the, purgative, effects, of, senna, in, capsule, mice (P 0.01) Key, words, Xianglian, capsule; Diarrheal Is the name of Xianglian pill treating dysentery, commonly used in the clinical treatment of acute and chronic gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastrointestinal dysfunction. In order to improve the curative effect, we refined the Xianglian capsule, were studied on experimental diarrhea. 1 experimental materials 1.1 tested drugs: Xianglian capsule contents, the medicine room, for extracts of Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Aucklandiae, each G is equivalent to 7 g species. 1.2 positive control drug: Xianglian tablet, Hunan Xiangquan Group Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Sichuan Berberine Hydrochloride Tablets, No. 980701; Guanghan pharmaceutical factory production, batch number 970305. 1.3 animal experiment: Kunming mice, 100 female, half, weighing 18 ~ 22 g, provided by animal center of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1.4 other things: senna, purchased from t



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