系统托盘(System tray).doc

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系统托盘(System tray)

系统托盘(System tray) VC production system tray program, the window will be minimized to the system tray (another) 2010-10-25 11:50:00 1. NOTIFYICONDATA structure The NOTIFYICONDATA structure contains information that the system uses to process tray icons, which include selected icons, callback messages, prompt messages, icons, corresponding windows, and so on. It is defined as: Typedef, struct, _NOTIFYICONDATA { DWORD cbSize; / / this structure in bytes in size HWND hWnd; / / the window handle receiving tray icon notification message UINT uID; / / ID, the icon of the application definition UINT uFlags; / / set the icon UINT uCallbackMessage; / / ID, message application definition, this message to hWnd HICON hIcon; / / icon handle Char szTip[64]; / / the message displayed in the mouse on the icon } NOTIFYICONDATA, *PNOTIFYICONDATA; In this structure, the member uFlags can make one of the following or a combination: The NIF_ICON settings member hIcon is valid The NIF_MESSAGE settings member uCallbackMessage is valid The NIF_TIP settings member szTip is valid Two, Shell_NotifyIcon function The global function Shell_NotifyIcon () is used to add, delete, or modify icons on a tray. Its prototype is: winshellapi BOOL WINAPI shell_notifyicon(DWORD dwmessage,pnotifyicondata优先网内直拨); 优先网内直拨是上面的NOTIFYICONDATA结构的指针;dwmessage是被传递的消息,可以是以下消息之一: nim_add增加图标 nim_delete删除图标 nim_modify修改图标 三、实例 然后就在cmydlg。APP中定义消息映射,函数实现了。 在 begin_message_map(cmydlg,CDialog) end_message_map()之间查入消息映射on_message(wm_mymessage,onmymessage) 然后建立onmymessage函数。 一些cmydlg::OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam,lParam指向){ // //接收的是图标的ID值,指向接收的是鼠标的行为 如果(lParam = = wm_lbuttondown)/如果在图标中单击左键则还原 { shell_notifyicon(nim_delete,及优先网内直拨);/ /删除托盘图标 ShowWindow(sw_shownormal);/ /显示主窗口 这- SetWindowPos(与wndtopmost,0,0,0,0,swp_nomove | swp_nosize);/ /使窗口总是在最前面 } 返回0; } 如果要更改显示图标则先更改优先网内直拨结构里的值, Then use Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, pnid) to change. First define a structure variable NOTIFYICONDATA pnid in the class, and then initialize it


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