给排水说明及工程量计算规则(Specification of water supply and drainage and calculation rules of quantities).doc

给排水说明及工程量计算规则(Specification of water supply and drainage and calculation rules of quantities).doc

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给排水说明及工程量计算规则(Specification of water supply and drainage and calculation rules of quantities)

给排水说明及工程量计算规则(Specification of water supply and drainage and calculation rules of quantities) One, eighth books water supply and drainage, heating and gas projects (hereinafter referred to as the quota) applies to the new construction and expansion projects in the life of water supply, Drainage, gas, heating, heat pipes and accessories, fittings, installation and installation of small containers. Two, the main basis of the quota, standards have: 1. heating and sanitary engineering construction and acceptance of GBJ24282. 2. code for design of outdoor water supply GBJ1386 (97 edition). 3. building water supply and drainage design specification GBJ1588 (97 edition). 4. standard building heating sanitary and gas engineering quality inspection GBJ30288. 5. town gas design code GB5002893 (98 edition). 6. code for acceptance of construction and acceptance of town gas transmission and distribution project CJJ33 - 89. 7. Zhejiang province construction machinery costs reference price (2002). 8. national basic quota for unified installation projects. 9. national unified construction and installation labor quota (1988). Three, following the implementation of other books corresponding quota: 1. industrial pipelines, production and living shared pipes, boiler houses and pumps, piping and pressure pumps in high-rise buildings Implementation of the sixth edition of the industrial piping project. 2., oil, anti-corrosion and thermal insulation project, the implementation of eleventh copies of oil, anti-corrosion and insulation engineering corresponding projects. Four, the provisions of the following fees: 1. scaffolding dismantling fee according to the labor costs of the 5%, which accounted for 25% of wages (outdoor underground pipeline project from inexpedient this fee). 2. additional cost of high-rise building (referring to industrial and civil buildings with a height of 6 or more 20m) calculated by the table Labor wages 50%, machinery 50%): In In the following 9 layers (30M) 12 (


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