无机化学教学大纲(Syllabus of Inorganic Chemistry).doc

无机化学教学大纲(Syllabus of Inorganic Chemistry).doc

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无机化学教学大纲(Syllabus of Inorganic Chemistry)

无机化学教学大纲(Syllabus of Inorganic Chemistry) Documents from the network, I collected, finishing, and if there are omissions, errors, but also please correct me! Syllabus of Inorganic Chemistry Course Name: Inorganic Chemistry Applicable Specialty: Chemistry, chemical industry Teaching level: Undergraduate Course I. the tasks and objectives of this course Inorganic chemistry is the first basic course of chemistry and chemical engineering in Colleges and universities. It plays an important role in students professional learning The content of the course should be based on the chemistry knowledge base of the students already mastered, and lay the necessary inorganic chemical basis for the subsequent courses The main task of inorganic chemistry is through classroom teaching, self-study and discussion, make students the students master the periodic law of elements, modern material structure theory, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, redox reaction rate and the basic principle and basic knowledge, the main character, and make students master the important elements of the structure of compounds, preparation and use At the same time, through the process of teaching, students should be trained to master the ability of theoretical analysis and calculation of General inorganic chemistry problems, and pay attention to training and training students in their scientific thinking ability and learning methods Two, the basic requirements of this course and teaching outline Introduction (1 hours) 1. chemistry is the study of matter and its change; 2. research objects, development and Prospect of inorganic chemistry; 3. learn the methods and requirements of Inorganic Chemistry The first chapter, atomic structure and element cycle (8 hours) (1) basic requirements: 1. Understand the simple history of human understanding of atomic structure 2, we should understand the physical meaning of the four quantum numbers 3, understand the significance of the approximate energy level diag



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