无线电基础知识(Basic knowledge of radio).doc

无线电基础知识(Basic knowledge of radio).doc

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无线电基础知识(Basic knowledge of radio)

无线电基础知识(Basic knowledge of radio) Marriage is the basic knowledge of radio.Txt keyboard, too many orders and rules; love is the mouse, one click. Men are more important than memory in the host computer; women are like monitors; everything can be seen. Basic knowledge of Radio 1 Interpretation of radio communication terms [audio], also known as audio, is the frequency that can be heard by the human ear. Usually the frequency between 15~20000 Hz (Hz). [speech frequency] refers to the frequency of speech within the audio range. In a general telephone channel, usually the frequency between 300~3400 Hz (Hz). [radio frequency] the radio transmitter can effectively transmit the frequency of electromagnetic waves to space through the antenna, which is called radio frequency. If the frequency is too low, the effectiveness of the launch is very low, so the term radio frequency used in the term 100 kHz (KHz) is often called frequency. [Video] the frequency range of television signals ranges from tens to several megahertz, and video is a general term for this frequency. [carrier] a sine wave or periodic pulse that carries information, called carrier (or carrier frequency), changes in amplitude, frequency, or phase of the carrier as the signal wave changes. The amount of electricity used to express or carry information. [Channel] a path divided by the characteristics of passing information. Includes possible implementations that have not yet been implemented. [analog signals] a signal that is continuous in time or can take an infinite value for a parameter. [digital signals] the so-called digital signal, refers to the signal is discrete, discontinuous. This is the signal which can only be changed and valued according to a limited number of steps or increments. In other words, for digital signals, Simply calculate the number of steps without considering the size of the signal in the ladder (the most commonly used is binary encoding). [Band] in radio, the word band has two meaning


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