新生儿常见的20个原始反射(20 common primitive reflexes in the newborn).doc

新生儿常见的20个原始反射(20 common primitive reflexes in the newborn).doc

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新生儿常见的20个原始反射(20 common primitive reflexes in the newborn)

新生儿常见的20个原始反射(20 common primitive reflexes in the newborn) There are approximately 20 primitive reflexes in the newborn, and 4 are often used in most textbooks for feeding, grasping, hugging, and sucking. See below in detail: 1. Foraging reflexes: (often checked) An important instinct for the newborn to come to the world is to eat while foraging (or looking) to reflect it to make it easier to eat. Touch the babys mouth or cheek with your fingers or nipples, and the child will turn his head to the side of the touch, with mouth and sucking movements. This important reflex allows the newborn to find and eat food. 2 、 sucking reflex: Put the nipple or finger between the two lips or the mouth of the child, then there is a strong sucking action. 3, grasp reflex: When a finger or a penholder touches the palm of a child, the child immediately holds it tightly and holds it so much that it is enough to bear the babys weight. For example, by lifting the baby up in the air, you can stay for a few seconds. The reflex normally disappeared at 3 months after birth and was replaced by voluntary grasping. For more than 4 months, there may be neuropathy. The baby often clenched his fists in the first month, but if more than two months continued to make a fist, may damage the central nervous system. 4 embrace reflex (Moro reflex): (often checked) When the sudden change of neonatal posture, or when he heard the sound of children, two upper limbs to both sides of the straight, two fingers outstretched, straight leg, and two upper limb flexion and adduction to the chest, a hug like posture, sometimes accompanied by crying. 5, respiratory reflex: Continuous inspiration and exhalation. 20 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus will have irregular respiratory rhythm, 30 to 100 times per minute, and there will be a period of apnea; healthy baby was born, there will be a steady rhythm of breathing, especially during sleep; in the first month of birth will cry and coordination; third months into vocal a



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