文本文档说明书(Text document specification).doc

文本文档说明书(Text document specification).doc

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文本文档说明书(Text document specification)

文本文档说明书(Text document specification) Power added to equip! Agility and life!! Assassin: C/C WW+TRAP (GA BOW method) Equip: Helmet: SHAKO (5/5 DEAD poison JEW) standby: 70RES, HELM, +14RES/2, restore life, JEW Clothing: MP TP+ Gloves: 10L/250W/15STR gloves, spare: NEC, SET gloves To take: 40VIT/15DR to take, spare: Raytheon, SNOWCLASH Shoes: 20STR/17DEX/199ED, BUG, BOOT Weapons: close cut CHAOS (BS+MB+DF), vice CHAOS (BS+MB) later changed to FURY (LS+SM+OTHER) Necklace: angel, alternate rising sun, metal network, Atlantis, Saint beetle Ring: angel, spare a pair of JP dwarf, a pair of JP crow, a pair of 20 WISP, a 9L of carrion wind USC:1/20/17 GC:7 38LIFE+ shadow GC, 3 FHR shadows, GC SC:8 20LIFE/11LR SC, 1 5FHR/11LR SC Others: 6/6, CTA, Templar, 2/2/50RES, Jasper claws, +25#, tyrant bars, 200ED/5GA, WARD, BOW+, -15/30ED/30LR, JEW Point allocation: PK, RING, AMU, gloves, helmets and arms may be changed, so none of the above STR DEX is added. STR: since MP TP+ is 55STR, STR is added to white 35. Thats enough. In addition, USC20 is enough TP+, and 90+ TP can have more than 67 STR. STR can take all the equipment. DEX: there are 4 reasons for choosing BUG BOOT, 17DEX, mana recovery, and low running, The 2 kinds of gas accumulation (bone compact and LIFE TAP) are mainly LIFE and TAP strong, which will be analyzed later. DEX I added to white 81, 81+BUG, BOOT, 17+USC, 20=118, just take a close cut, GA BOW DEX 125, PK, must pay attention to have to bring a crow or 1 Angel +RING, or pick up the dead body. VIT: all add VIT, estimated to 93 VIT plus equipment can be 500 points, without OAK, SAGE and other +LIFE, only 6/6 CTA, LIFE breakthrough 5000. ENG: no need to add Skill allocation: Disposable fangs weapon blocking MAX, level 1 Other TRAP, first MAX ray guards and death guards, all other school power guards C/C WW Shadow Assassin: Skill point allocation: Max? (Claw Mastery) dominated claws Max weapon blocks (Weapon, Block) Max energy digestion (Fade) Max Fang (Venom)? 1 poi



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