星蕴加点法(Star adding method).doc

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星蕴加点法(Star adding method)

星蕴加点法(Star adding method) Xing Yun Barry Su Tu consists of two blocks, with eleven blocks, there are twelve blocks. Lets assume that all star in can be filled, then spells have two high grade wine, the first can be added to the ultimate. The second can be added to the ten point connection. Then you can see what the top and bottom of each attribute will have effect: Upper zone: Fire: Fine +70 gas, +12 attack, +16 anti +7, anti vertigo, +10 crit rate of +10, because the right fill up can give skills, so do not add to the left of the sensitive +6, the same below Wood: Fine +28 God, +6 attack, +7, anti +13, sensitive, +5, +10, +13, escape rate, +10, anti vertigo Kim: Sperm +15, +5, +6, +6, +12, +2, anti poisoning, +10, parry, +10 Water / soil: The top of the water decreases Tusu capacity values of the area, we do not consider Analysis: single data, the fire is still the best, leaving wood defensive, gold biased attack, agile, Chengdu is not high. Lower area: Fire: Sperm +35, +24, +8, +14, +12, +14, anti vertigo, +10 Water: Gas +4 God, +15 attack, +12 sensitive, +5 transport, +6 anti +12, anti weak +10 Wood: Sperm +56, +6, +21, +6, +6, +7, +5, anti disability, +10 Gold / earth: In the area below the reduced capacity values of the area, we do not consider Analysis: single data, plus higher precision and attack, and the fire had higher sensitivity and God is a little waste water. The wind, snow and snow star is still 23 points, from top to bottom lined up, and the middle of the two is the resistance point, casually add which does not matter. It still uses two parts of the analysis on the wine. 11 points above: Water: Fine +90 God, +18 sensitive, +14 shipped, +30 Soil: Fine +20 God, +10 attack, +12, anti +12, sensitive, +5, transport, +7 Kim: Refined +84 God, +14 gas, +2 attack, +14 anti +6, +14 transport Wood: Fine +20 God, +10 attack, +18, anti +18, sensitive, +5, transport, +7 Fire: Ability to decrease is not considered The 11 points above the wind, snow and snow are abs


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