暖通方向建筑环境学名词解释(Explanation of building environment for heating and ventilation).doc

暖通方向建筑环境学名词解释(Explanation of building environment for heating and ventilation).doc

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暖通方向建筑环境学名词解释(Explanation of building environment for heating and ventilation)

暖通方向建筑环境学名词解释(Explanation of building environment for heating and ventilation) 10., 40 degrees north latitude, the annual monthly horizontal surface, the South surface and east-west surface, daily solar radiation intensity. For the horizontal plane, the annual total irradiance reached the maximum, while the southern vertical surface had the largest total irradiance in winter. (Figure P14) 11. outdoor climate factors of building environment: atmospheric pressure, wind, air temperature and humidity, ground temperature, effective sky temperature, precipitation, etc.. 12. in the same position on land, the atmospheric pressure in winter is higher than that in summer, but the range is less than 5%. 13. the meteorological observatory generally uses the wind direction and wind speed measured from the height of 10m on the flat ground as the local observation data. 14., in order to visually reflect the wind direction and wind speed of a place, it is usually expressed by the local wind rose diagram. 15. Valley winds: during the day, the wind blows higher temperatures from the valleys; the night winds blow from the lower slopes to the valleys. 16. land wind: the hot air rises on the land surface during the day, and the cold air of the sea flows to the land, and the cold air near the land surface flows toward the sea at night. 17.: the outdoor temperature is generally high, the shade of 1.5m from ground air temperature. 18. (short) air temperature is due to change of the surface temperature change, or surface temperature changes in the air temperature change? The gas molecules in the atmosphere are almost transparent to the solar radiation, and the direct warming of the solar radiation is very weak and can only absorb the long wave radiation on the ground. Therefore, the exchange of heat between the ground and the air is the direct cause of the temperature rise and fall. 19., the temperature in the whole day, the highest temperature generally around 2 in the afternoon, rather th


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