朵琳芙秋天使数字401-500含义(Doreen Virtue Angel digital 401-500 meaning).doc

朵琳芙秋天使数字401-500含义(Doreen Virtue Angel digital 401-500 meaning).doc

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朵琳芙秋天使数字401-500含义(Doreen Virtue Angel digital 401-500 meaning)

朵琳芙秋天使数字401-500含义(Doreen Virtue Angel digital 401-500 meaning) Doreen Virtue Angel digital 401-500 meaning 401: This is a message from God and angels, reminding you to stay positive and focus solely on what you want, not what you fear. 402: God and angels are helping you to strengthen your faith, which is a magical factor of divine manifestation. 403: God, angels, and ascended masters all do your allies around you and are now giving you more love and support. Call upon them to assist you in your present situation and follow any guidance you receive as he responds to your prayers. 404: you have made God and angels the center of your consciousness, which brings peace and everything you want. Ask them to help you with anything you want. 405: God and angels are helping you change for a better life. 406: prayer that you ask for assistance in the supply of materials (e.g. food, bills, money, houses, etc.) has been heard and responded. Leave any worries to God and angels 407: God has given you a strong signs, tell you are heading towards positive direction. Move on! 408: God and angels are assisting you in responding to your prayers for finances. Open your arms and accept their help. This may come from people who feel direct thoughts, ideas, or offers of help 409: as for any improvement in your profession, you are gaining divine support and guidance, so it is meaningful both spiritually and emotionally 410: your positive affirmations and visualizations are assisting you in creating a response to your prayers. Stay positive because its working! 411: angels with you, ready to give you advice and guidance. All you have to do is pray 412: This is a strong message from the angels telling you that your prayers have been heard. To make these responses, you need to maintain positive thinking patterns. Pray for the assistance of angels in this regard 413: you do not have to fear anything, for the angels, archangels and ascended masters are full of support and love around you. 414:


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