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图像拼接算法的研究Image Mosaic Algorithm Abstract Image mosaic is a technology that carries on the spatial matching to a series of image which are overlapped with each other, and finally builds a seamless and high quality image which has high resolution and big eyeshot compared with a single image. Image mosaic is an important research field of image processing, and has widely applications in the fields of photogrammetry, computer vision, remote sensing image processing, medical image analysis, computer graphic and so on. The thesis first introduces the present research status of image mosaics technology, and the characteristic and application domain of mosaics, thus has demonstrated the broad application prospect of image mosaics technology. Then the thesis discusses the basic steps of image mosaic and image acquisition methods. Then the thesis introduced digital image processing software Matlab functions, composition, development process and secondary development of new features. Finally the thesis focus on a stitching algorithm that able to achieve in the Matlab and for characteristics of the image shifting, analysis of the algorithm for computing the various process, summing up the question of the existence of algorithms. For the above analysis of the problem, the paper presents three improved methods, one by one to improve and demonstrate through experiments the effect of the improved algorithm. Keywords: Image Mosaic Image Registration Seamless MATLAB 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 图像拼接技术概述 2 1.2.1 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.2 图像拼接技术的特点 4 1.3 图像拼接技术的应用领域 5 1.3.1 遥感图像处理 6 1.3.2 医学图像分析 7 1.3.3 图像拼接在虚拟现实技术中的应用 8 1.4 图像拼接的基本流程 10 1.5 图像的获取 11 1.5.1 旋转照相机拍摄 12 1.5.2 平移照相机拍摄 12 1.5.3 手持照相机拍摄 12 1.6 本文的工作和论文组织 13 1.6.1 本文的主要工作 13 1.6.2 论文章节安排 13 第二章 数字图像处理软件MATLAB简介 15 2.1 Matlab的功能和组成 15 2.1.1 Matlab的功能 15 2.2.2 Matlab的组成 16 2.2 Matlab的发展历程 18 2.3 Matlab二次开发的新特性 19 第三章 在MATLAB中实现的图像拼接算法 22 3.1 待拼接的图像和原程序 22 3.1.1 待拼接图像以及特点 22 3.1.2 源程序 23 3.1.3 程序运行的结果以及分析 24 3.2 部分源程序分析 25 3.2.1 图像的预处


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