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唐景春 孙 青 王如刚 白晓瑞
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Formation and evolution of humic acid during composting process and its application Tang J ingchun, Sun Qing , Wang
Rugang, B ai X iaorui. (K ey L aboratory of Pollution P rocesses and nvironmental Criteria, Ministry of ducation,
College of nv ironmental Science and ngineering, N ankai University , T ianj in 300071)
Abstract: H um c ac ds ( H A) ar e the mo st representat v e seco ndary pro ducts o f compost ng w h ch has s g n f
cant eff ect on the pro per t es of co mpo st . Base on the comprehens ve l teratur e rev ew , th s paper summar zed the for
mat on and dynam c chang e o f H A dur ng t he compost ng pro cess, nt roduced st ructur al evo lut on of H A and methods
that w dely u sed for HA detect on . T he nfluenc ng f acto rs of H A format on w er e character zed and the appl cat on of
HA based on ts matur ty nd cat ng , surf actant and adso rpt o n pr opert es w ere nt roduced . F nally, the ex st ng pr ob
lem s n HA resear ch w ere d scu ssed and add t onal researches that could benef t H A appl cat on w er e pr oposed.
Keywords: co mpo st ng; hum c ac d ; str ucture; evolut on ; a ppl cat on
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