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39 9 2009 9 [] 建国六十年来, 我国的建设事业取得了辉煌的成就, 结构界也为此做出了巨大的贡献值国 六十周年之际, 我们特约了国内知名专家, 就抗震设计钢结构空间结构高层建筑结构钢管混凝土 柱等方面的发展进行了回顾与展望, 以飨读者 周锡元1, 2 ( 1 , 100013; 2 , 100124) [ ] 60 , , 60 , , , , , [ ] ; ; ; ; ; Research and practice of earthquake resistance of building structures for 60 years in China 1,2 Zhou Xiyuan ( 1 China Academy of Buildin Research, Beijin 100013, China; 2 Beijin University of Technolo y, Beijin 100 124, China) Abstract: Reviews the research pro resses of earthquake resistance of buildin structures and the reforms of seismic desi n codes in 60 years since P. R. China is founded. The basic tar et and development tendency of earthquake protection are introduced. The features of research and application of earthquake resistance in confined masonry structure and its combination with reinforced concrete members, steel structures, steelconcrete composite structures, seismic isolation technolo y and nonstructural components are discussed as well. Based on research results and experience from recent destructive earthquakes, it is pointed out that if the basic requirements of current seismic desi n code are complied and the adequate structural details are adopted, all the listed normal structures enable to resist the stron round shock durin the maximum considered earthquake and avoid serious dama e. In order to improve earthquake resistance, it is su ested to use seismic isolation and ener y dissipation technolo y in performance based seismic desi n. Keywords: confined masonry structure; reinforced concrete structure; steelconcrete composite structure; seismic isolation; ener y dissipation; seismic desi n code 0


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