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生物多样性 2015, 23 (3): 365–382 doi: 10.17520/biods.2015037 Biodiversity Science http: // 中国爬行纲动物分类厘定 * 蔡 波 王跃招 陈跃英 李家堂 ( 中国科学院成都生物研究所, 成都 610041) 摘要: 本文对中国爬行纲动物的分类体系和物种进行了系统的评估, 规范了中文学名, 给出了《中国爬行纲校正 名录》, 结果表明: 中国现存爬行纲动物3 目30 科132属462 种, 其中鳄形目(Crocodylia)1 科1属1种, 龟鳖目 (Testudines)6科18属33种, 有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)10科41属189种, 有鳞目蛇亚目(Serpentes)13科72 属239种。与《中国动物志 爬行纲 第一卷(总论、龟鳖目、鳄形目)》、《中国动物志 爬行纲 第二卷(有鳞目: 蜥 蜴亚目)》和《中国蛇类》相比, 目和亚目无变化; 科级水平新增5科, 变更2科; 属级水平新增23属, 合并15属, 变 更6属; 种级水平新增81种, 变动2种; 未收录同物异名12种、杂交6种、中国无分布7种。形态和分子系统发育研究 结果在爬行动物不同分类阶元均有一定差异, 文章对这些争议进行了讨论, 并对名录的选择做了说明。 关键词: 爬行动物, 名录, 中国, 生物多样性 A revised taxonomy for Chinese reptiles * Bo Cai, Yuezhao Wang , Yueying Chen, Jiatang Li Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041 Abstract: Based on taxonomic and phylogenetic studies, we presented a comprehensive reassessment of the classification systems, updated corresponding Chinese scientific names and concluded the Checklist of Chi- nese Reptilia. Our analysis suggested that in China there are a total of 3 orders, 30 families, 132 genera, and 462 reptile species. The order Crocodylia includes one family, one genus, and one species. The order, Testu- dines includes 6 families, 18 genera, and 33 species. The order Squamata includes the suborder Lacertilia and Serpentes. Lacertilia includes 10 families, 41 genera, and 189 species and Serpentes includes 13 families, 72 genera, and 239 species. Compared to Fauna Sinica (Reptilia 1): Gen


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