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Reading 1 東西的用途經常超乎想像。有些日常用品,若知道其用途,幾乎像會變魔術一般。以方糖為例。你可在咖啡或茶中加一顆方糖增加其甜度。然而,大部分的人不知道方糖還有其它用途保持餅乾的脆度。Common things in daily life often have uses beyond your imagination. 1 Things often have more uses than you could ever imagine. ( could在此表示可能性,意為「能,可能,可以」,並非指過去能夠,例:? Most accidents could be prevented. 文法加油站 助動詞could的用法1 (表示過去)能夠? By the time Linda was ten, she could speak three languages. 2 (表示可能性)能,可能,可以? If you get up late, you could miss the bus. 3 (表示委婉的請求)能,可以? Could you give me a hand? 4 (表示相反的假設)本來可以? You could have told me you were going to be late. 5 (表建議)能,可以? You could always turn to me if you need help. 2 Some common items that we use every day can seem to perform magic when you know how to use them. → It seems that some common items that we use every day can almost perform magic . . . ( 此處關係代名詞that所引導的形容詞子句,用來修飾前方的先行詞some common items。( perform magic 變魔術 (= do magic, work magic)? It is impossible for me to finish the report by tomorrow unless I can perform magic. 額外補充 use magic 使用魔術? By using magic, the wizard can make anything move to wherever he wants. work like magic (像魔術般)有效? A big smile can work like magic between strangers. as if by magic 好像變魔術一般? As if by magic, the waiter suddenly appeared out of nowhere. ( how to V為疑問詞引導名詞片語作know的受詞之用法,詳細說明請見本課句型解析1。 Take sugar cubes, for example. (= take . . . as an example) ( take . . . , for example「以…為例」,教師可提醒學生take之後只能接名詞不可接子句。for example、such as、like的用法 1 for example 例如一般作為插入語,引導一個句子作為例子,可以逗號隔開,置於句首、句中或句尾,例:? Exercise is good for health. For example, jogging can make your heart stronger. → Exercise is good for health. Jogging can make your heart stronger, for example. → Exercise is good for health. Jogging, for example, can make your heart stronger. 2 such as = like 例如一般引導名詞,用來列舉同類中的幾個例子,例:? Some countries, such as Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes. ? Terry received many birthday gifts, like a bicycle, a watch, and a pair of shoes. 4 You can add one to coffee or tea to make the drink sweet. ( a


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