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摘 要 本文首先介绍司法实务中碰到的一起引起争论的入户盗窃、转化抢劫的案例的基本 案情。然后作者将案件争议的焦点归纳为在于如何判断入户盗窃既遂和未遂,如何判断 该入户盗窃的行为转化为抢劫。作者对上述两个焦点问题进行了深入的分析和阐述。对 如何判断入户盗窃的既遂和未遂,作者认为,入户盗窃作为刑法新规定的盗窃犯罪类型, 在判断既遂与未遂时应以犯罪既未遂的一般理论作为基础,将 “入户”概念引入,结合 传统的盗窃未遂标准进行研究。作者讨论了 “着手”的各种情况,详细论述了“户”的 概念,分析了 “得逞”的判断标准。对如何判断入户盗窃的行为是否转化为抢劫,作者 结合现行法律的规定,着重分析了 “为窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕或者毁灭罪证”、“暴力或者 以暴力相威胁”、“当场”这三个要件。然后,作者主张根据主客观相统一原则来判断 入户盗窃的共同犯罪是部分转化还是全部转化为入户抢劫。最后,通过正文的分析,作 者对本文所探讨的案例形成最终的结论。 关键词:入户盗窃;入户盗窃既遂;入户盗窃未遂;转化抢劫;共同犯罪 Abstract This paper first introduces some burglary and transformed robbery cases which arouse arguments in the judicial practice. Then the author summarizes those arguments as how to judge a burglary attempted or accomplished, and how to judge a burglary transforming into robbery. The author makes deep discussion and explanation on the two focus questions mentioned above. How to judge a burglary accomplished or attempted, the author believes that burglary is a theft crime type which is newly formulated by the criminal law. We should attempt to both the general theory as the foundation, introduce the concept of “invade the door”, and combine the traditional attempted burglary standard, when judging a burglary is accomplished offense or attempted crime. The author discussed various conditions of “commence” and the concept of “door” in detail, and analyzed the judging standard of “succeed”. To judge whether a burglary transforming into a robbery the author combining the current legal provisions to analyze three elements of harboring booty, resisting arrest or destroying the criminal, violence or threatening to use violence , and on the spot. Then, the author holds to base on the principle of unified subjective and objective


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