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7th National Wheat Conference, Zhonghuating Nov 18, 2015 30 min. Improving end-use quality of wheat while considering potential impacts to nutrition and health 改良小麦加工品质,兼顾营养和健康因素 Roberto J. Peña Consultant CIMMYT, Global Wheat Program, Mexico Importance of wheat as a food grain 粮食小麦的重要性 • Food for 2,500 million people in poverty ( 2 USD/day) 25亿贫困人口的主食 • Provides 20-60% of the calorie (and protein) intake in LDC 为贫困人口提供20-60%热量 • Food crop more traded globally 粮食作物全球贸易化 Importance of Wheat as Protein Source from Plants 小麦是植物蛋白的重要来源 1st 2nd 3rd 3 IFPRI? 4 /portfolio/real-assets/asias-hunger-boosts-demand-for- wheat/article7777544.ece October 18, 2015 Asia’s hunger boosts demand for wheat 亚洲日益增长的小麦需求 Quoting the article. “Bread and pastries are becoming the new staple, pushing rice off the menu Asia is losing some of its appetite for rice in favor of wheat. 在亚洲,面包和糕点正成为一种新的消费食品,大米消费减少。 Demand for bread and noodles from Mumbai to Manila has made Asia the largest and fastest growing market for wheat imports, shipping in 40 million tons annually for the past five years, or 25 per cent of world imports. 孟买和马尼拉等地人们对面包和面条的消费增长使亚洲成为最大且增长最快的小麦进 口市场,过去5年中每年的进口量大于4000万吨,占全世界小麦进口量的25% 。 China has also seen wheat demand soar and consumed a record 118 million tons in 2014. Along with record pizza sales and noodle consumption, demand for cakes and pastries is also increasing.” 2014年中国小麦需求增长,消费量为1.18亿吨。披萨、面条和糕点的消费量也在增加。 Global wheat supply increase is lower than the demand. 全球小麦供应量的增加低于需求增长 The price of grains is high, affecting the access of low-income people to l


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