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2017年第3期 / 西部人居环境学刊 / 023 DOI: 10.13791/ki.hsfwest 朱小雷. 广州典型保障房居住空间环境质量使用后评价及评价指标敏感性探索[J]. 西部人居环境学刊, 2017, 32(03): 23-29. 广州典型保障房居住空间环境质量使用后评价及评价指标 敏感性探索* An Environmental Quality Post Occupancy Evaluation on Habitable Space of Typical Affordable Housing in Guangzhou and Exploration on the Sensitivity of Evaluation Indexes 朱小雷 ZHU Xiaolei 摘 要 根据环境参量的主观敏感性选择 Abstract: The selection of evaluation indicators based on the sensitivity of environmental 指标是确保使用后评价效度的重要技术环 parameters is an important technical factor in ensuring the validity of Post Occupancy 节,本研究利用现场测试与主观评价对照 Evaluation (POE). In this study, the controlled study of field test and subjective evaluation 研究的方法,调查了7个广州保障房小区的典 to investigate the typical plan and habitable space of seven Guangzhou affordable housing 型平面与居室空间,获得了89组有效实测数 units are used, and obtaines 89 valid measured data and 192 subjective evaluation 据及192份住户评价问卷数据。建成环境使 questionnaire data collecting from Households. POE survey results reflect that the air 用后评价调查数据反映:广州典型保障房居 quality and the natural lighting of the habitable space of typical affordable housing in 室的通风质量较优,空气质量和自然采光良 Guangzhou are good, and the ventilation quality is very well. The tested environmental 好;环境噪声总体上略高于标准值;热环境 noise is on the whole slightly higher than the standard value; hot and humid environment, 的不满意率比较高。研究根据89组主客观配 the dissatisfaction rate of thermal environment is relatively high. Based on the statistical 对调查数据,经相关分析、ROC曲线分析和 test of the 89 subjective and objective matching survey data, by ROC curve analysis 二元Logistic回归分析过程,得出了重要室内 and


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