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玻璃钢拉挤成型机总体设计(附CAD零件图和装配图) 玻璃钢拉挤成型机总体设计(附CAD零件图和装配图)(含任务书,演示文稿ppt,论文说明书15000字,6张cad图纸) 摘 要 玻璃钢/复合材料工业在国际上的开发已有近60年的历史,它具有不可替代的优越性。在我国,玻璃钢/复合材料广泛应用在建筑、石化、冶金、机电及造船 ... p玻璃钢拉挤成型机总体设计(附CAD零件图和装配图)(含任务书,演示文稿ppt,论文说明书字,6张cad图纸)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; br / 摘nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 要br / 玻璃钢/复合材料工业在国际上的开发已有近60年的历史,它具有不可替代的优越性。在我国,玻璃钢/复合材料广泛应用在建筑、石化、冶金、机电及造船等行业。拉挤成型工艺作为玻璃钢的一种重要的生产制造工艺,它的技术也日臻完善。根据我们的设计任务,很有必要对玻璃钢拉挤成型机进行总体方案设计。本次论文的内容主要包括玻璃钢管原材料和成型工艺的选择,玻璃钢拉挤成型机的工作原理,机械设备组成结构,以及机械执行系统、传动系统、控制系统和辅助系统的设计。br / br / 关键词:玻璃钢/复合材料nbsp;nbsp; 玻璃钢拉挤成型机nbsp;nbsp; 总体方案br / br / Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pultrusion Molding Machine br / Abstract:nbsp; The development of the glass fibre reinforced plastic / composite industry in the world has already had a history of nearly 60 years, it has irreplaceable superiority. In our country, the glass fibre reinforced plastic / composite is extensively applied to trades such as the building, petrochemical industry, metallurgy, electromechanics and shipbuilding,etc. Pultrusion molding craft , as a kind of important production manufacturing process of the glass fibre reinforced plastic, its technology is becoming better and approaching perfection day by day . According to our design task, it is very necessary to carry on overall conceptual design of thenbsp; FRP Pultrusion Molding Machine. The content of this thesis mainly includes choosing raw materials of glass steel tube and the shaping craft, the glass fibre reinforced plastic draws the operation principle of the FRP Pultrusion Molding Machine, the mechanical equipment makes up the structure, and mechanical executive system, the designs of the transmission, control system and accessory system. /p br / br / pP/P p 内容简介/p p 简单介绍 达渝二级紫荆至荣华段位于邻水县城以南经济欠发达地区,老国道210线东侧。该地区地形复杂,横穿华蓥山、铜锣山、明月山三大山岭,又有大面积的软土低洼地,这是对我所学知识的严峻考验。本次毕业设计,能使我们交通专业毕业生四年所学的知识得以综合运用,通过运用所学的基础理论技能和专业知识来研究、分析、解决有关平面线形设计、纵断面设计、平纵组合设计、横断面设计方面、路基设计、桥涵设计、路基挡土墙设计和公路软土地基处理以及与交通相关设施设计等方面问题。 span class=Ukz714/span /p br /


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