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15th July 2009 MEPC 59 Computer ProgrammeComputer Programme forfor Speed Trial AnalysisSpeed Trial Analysis CCCCompompllllyyiiiing wng withithithith ththththee ISOISOISOISO 15016150161501615016 StStStStananddddarardddd for EEDIfor EEDI The Republic of Korea Verification of the Attained EEDIVerification of the Attained EEDI • To verifyy reference sppeed of EEDI P ⋅C ⋅SFC Attained EEDI F ff ⋅CapacityCapacity ⋅VV ⋅ff i ref w “AttainedAttained EEDIEEDI mustmust bebe verifiedverified in a transparent, consistent and fair manner” Vref should be measured at sea trial condition and be analyzed to the standard condition. If sea trial cannot be conducted in max. load condition, the shipp sppeed should be adjjusted by an appropriate correction method. Speed TrialSpeed Trial Analysis ConditionsAnalysis Conditions For the calm water and standard condition ISO 15016:2002 StandardISO 15016:2002 Standard “ISOISO internationalinternational standardstandard existsexists that may be a starting point for the development of for the development of an EEDI verification procedure” ISO 15016:2002 GuidelinesGuidelines forfor thethe assessmentassessment of speed and power performance byby analysisanalysis ofof speedspeed trialtrial datadata ISO 15016ISO 15016 && it’s Computer Programmeit’s Computer Programme Oct. 1995 ISO/TCISO/TC 8/SC8/SC 99 ISO/CDISO/CD 1501615016 ISO 15016:2002 /WG 2


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