西瓜催芽育苗技术(Breeding technique of watermelon germination).doc

西瓜催芽育苗技术(Breeding technique of watermelon germination).doc

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西瓜催芽育苗技术(Breeding technique of watermelon germination)

西瓜催芽育苗技术(Breeding technique of watermelon germination) Breeding technique of watermelon germination 1. what are the benefits of watermelon seedling transplanting? In watermelon cultivation process, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing production, ahead of the market, most of the cultivation of seedling, namely early sowing in certain facilities conditions, and develop into a certain size seedlings transplanted to the field in the appropriate conditions, or in suitable conditions when transplanting to protection facilities. The benefits are: can break the limit of early sowing period, the watermelon growth period in advance, so as to advance the mature market; save seed quantity, seedbed conditions, seed seedling rate, can save 1/3 of the seed, especially for high price or low seedling rate and small seedless watermelon seeds. The need for more seedling transplanting technology, can achieve the purpose of high quality and high yield; the seedling growth is relatively concentrated, easy to artificially control the temperature and humidity and pest control, seedling transplanting; the seedling uniformity, high survival rate, convenient for field management, maturity relatively centralized; the area of watermelon can be shortened time, the economic use of land. Practice has proved that watermelon seedlings transplanting is a precocious, high-yield, cost-effective technical measures. Methods 2. germination and seeding (1) the sun turned first to select seed packaging, picking, removing seed, and in the sun for the summer sunshine disinfection, do not sprinkle in the cement on the ground, to prevent high temperature scalding seeds. (2) soaking seeds, such as pectin and sugar on the surface of watermelon seeds, can inhibit germination. Therefore, it is necessary to rub the seeds in water, wash them several times, wash away the seeds on the surface of the debris and reduce the adsorption of bacteria. Then, according to the difference of seeds, the seeds are soaked


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