西瓜病虫害防治(Watermelon diseases and insect pests control).doc

西瓜病虫害防治(Watermelon diseases and insect pests control).doc

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西瓜病虫害防治(Watermelon diseases and insect pests control)

西瓜病虫害防治(Watermelon diseases and insect pests control) Watermelon insect pest damage and Its Prevention - Watermelon disease and prevention 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Cataplexy - Blight - anthracnose - powdery mildew - blight Cataplexy (symptoms) of this disease is the main disease of watermelon, seedling stage generally occur, can cause large seedling death. Especially in the nursery bed, the most common victims. 1. symptoms of parasitic bacteria cataplexy are weak, only weak growth or its young stems not suberification in seedlings, to invade the damage. The seedling disease, produce hygrophanous lesion seedling stem base disease, then changing the brown, constricted into line. The disease develops rapidly, in Koba Naomi before the seedlings wilting cataplexy, after pulling out the contact surface of disease is easy to fall off, in the cotyledon of disease become throat. Sometimes the seedling has not been excavated, caulicle and cotyledon has generally been rotten. Sometimes the appearance of the seedling is similar to that of the seedling, but it can not stand erect on the ground and examine the seedling. It can be seen that the base of the stem has shrunk like a line. When the humidity is high, a layer of white mycelium grows on the soil surface around the sick area and around it. 2. of the pathogens are Pythium [Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitzp.] in pythium. Hypha colorless, without diaphragm. Asexual formation at the stage of asexual sac, sexual stage forming spherical spore. 3. of the disease occurred, the bacteria died in the soil of 12-18 cm surface soil and lived in the soil for a long time. The next spring, in case of optimal germination condition of sporangium, the zoospores or directly invade the host bud tube. The mycelium in soil saprophytic life camp can also produce sporangia in zoospore infection caused by seedling damping off. The growth of bacteria was suitable, the temperature was 15 - 16, and the temperature was higher than 30 DEG C, and the growth was i


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