西红柿炒鸡蛋的九大神奇功能和效果(Nine amazing functions and effects of scrambled eggs with tomatoes).doc

西红柿炒鸡蛋的九大神奇功能和效果(Nine amazing functions and effects of scrambled eggs with tomatoes).doc

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西红柿炒鸡蛋的九大神奇功能和效果(Nine amazing functions and effects of scrambled eggs with tomatoes)

西红柿炒鸡蛋的九大神奇功能和效果(Nine amazing functions and effects of scrambled eggs with tomatoes) Nine amazing functions and effects of scrambled eggs with tomatoes 1, tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin B and C, especially vitamin P content, ranking the vegetable crown. Which contains vitamin C, sugar and rutin as raw material, with anti scurvy, moisturizing and protecting vascular and blood pressure, helps digestion with. 2. Lycopene contains vitamins and minerals that protect the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the risk of heart attack. 3, lycopene has a special antioxidant capacity, can scavenge free radicals, protect cells, make deoxyribonucleic acid and genes from damage, and can prevent the process of carcinogenesis. In addition to the prevention of prostate cancer, tomatoes can also effectively reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer and other cancers. 4, tomatoes contain vitamin C, Shengjinzhike, Jianweixiaoshi, cooling blood and liver, detoxification, lowering the blood pressure of the function and effect of hypertension, kidney patients have special good adjuvant therapy with. Eat more tomatoes, anti-aging, make use of, so that the skin to keep fair. It can maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice to niacin, 5 tomatoes, and red blood cells into the formation, is conducive to maintaining the flexibility of the vessel wall and protect the skin. Eating tomatoes is also helpful in the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Tomatoes juicy, diuretic, nephritis patients should also eat. 6, eggs are a miracle in nature, a well received eggs, in the temperature can get the opportunity, there is no need to supplement any food from the outside world, you can hatch a chicken, which is sufficient to explain the nutrition of eggs. 7, eggs are nutritious food, containing protein, fat, lecithin, lecithin, vitamins and iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals needed by the h


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