论住宅楼工程中厨房、卫生间的渗漏与防治措施(Discussion on the leakage and prevention measures of kitchen and toilet in residential building project).doc

论住宅楼工程中厨房、卫生间的渗漏与防治措施(Discussion on the leakage and prevention measures of kitchen and toilet in residential building project).doc

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论住宅楼工程中厨房、卫生间的渗漏与防治措施(Discussion on the leakage and prevention measures of kitchen and toilet in residential building project)

论住宅楼工程中厨房、卫生间的渗漏与防治措施(Discussion on the leakage and prevention measures of kitchen and toilet in residential building project) Discussion on the leakage and prevention measures of kitchen and toilet in residential building project With the continuous improvement of the level of urbanization in China, the construction of commercial housing has been greatly developed, showing the environment of the District, the appearance of the house and the improvement of the residential function. However, in residential engineering construction, the common problems of leakage in bathrooms and kitchens are still widespread, and have become the main object of complaints of residential quality, which have affected the healthy development of commercial housing construction. Therefore, the prevention and control of the leakage of residential kitchens and toilets is still an important part of improving the quality of residential construction projects. Over the years, the author participated in one or two projects, such as Panjin Hengtai, Shang Cheng, Panjin, Panjin commercial city square, Beijing Hengda, Washington and so on. Aiming at the quality problems of toilet and kitchen and other parts had consciously taken some prevention measures, and achieved good results in the engineering project, the residential kitchen and toilet leakage prevention effect is good, the residents are very satisfied, part of the project has obtained excellent project award. In this regard, the author only combine some personal experience, from the construction point of view, simply to residential buildings, kitchens, bathrooms leakage and prevention methods, prevention and control measures for preliminary discussion. First, the toilet leakage and prevention and treatment of toilet leakage, residential construction quality is common. Under normal circumstances, in the bathroom floor four corners, pipes through the floor, the hole may often occur. Through the analysis and research of many engineering examples



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