论园林中的植物造景(Plant landscaping in Landscape Architecture).doc

论园林中的植物造景(Plant landscaping in Landscape Architecture).doc

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论园林中的植物造景(Plant landscaping in Landscape Architecture)

论园林中的植物造景(Plant landscaping in Landscape Architecture) Plant landscaping in Landscape Architecture James Lee Abstract: plant landscape has a unique space-time sequence, rhythm and natural beauty, and has its own independent landscape and forms of expression. Through the organic combination with other gardening and landscape materials, landscape plants can create profound artistic conception and local characteristics. Without plant landscaping, there would be no garden art. Key words: landscape art; landscape; plant landscaping In addition to garden plants to purify the air, reduce noise, reduce soil erosion, improve the basic functions of environment, climate and wind, shade, also has the obvious features of landscape in landscape space of artistic expression, not only can improve peoples living environment, providing rest and recreational and cultural activities, but also for people to create a tour, watch art space. 1, the time series rhythm of plant landscaping and its natural beauty Garden plants are living living substances, and have formed their own ecological habits in nature. It has strong natural regularity and temporal and spatial variation characteristics in static, moving and moving. Static refers to the fixed growth position of plants and relatively stable static image of the relatively stable landscape of the landscape. Moving includes two aspects: first, when plants are affected by wind, rain and other external forces, their branches and leaves, flowers and flowers also sway and drift. This natural dynamic is consistent with the natural climate. Such as the Tang Dynasty poet Zhizhang wrote in green willow in the poem Jasper makeup into a tree, 10000 dropped the green silk sash. I do not know who planted leaves, February spring like scissors , vividly depicts the spring breeze willow planted a green silk roads such as scissors of the natural scene; two plants in a fixed position with the continuation of time growth, change from germination to leaf, fro



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