运营微信公众号的38个秘诀(38 tips for running WeChat public numbers).doc

运营微信公众号的38个秘诀(38 tips for running WeChat public numbers).doc

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运营微信公众号的38个秘诀(38 tips for running WeChat public numbers)

运营微信公众号的38个秘诀(38 tips for running WeChat public numbers) 38 tips for running WeChat public numbers 1, clear object Understand each communication, interaction, push the object of who, the reader to this person more understanding, the higher the degree of trust, including his company position, name, contact information. 2, simplicity is power Simple is power, dont put themselves into WeChat public account function application of universal, free music, chatting robot, these functions will only dilute the core value of the business, please delete these functions, simple is power. 3, cultivate a sense of trust The purpose of WeChats operations is to maintain customer relationships and spend 99% of their time developing customer trust. Dont worry about promotions. You can spend 29 days a month cultivating customers, and 1 days may be more effective. Please forget to sell it for the time being. 4, input and execution WeChat marketing without any marketing tips, the fight is the investment and execution, not to want to get into a lot of fans is not possible, do not just stare at 3 months to get 900 thousand fans of the first case, I invested much money, how much human input, if too much money you dont want to. You can choose to invest the time, plus the execution in place, you can achieve the same goal. 5 、 detailed communication Not busy every day to push a lot of content to potential customers, can create the topic of communication with readers, you should know that all values are from communication, push again good content, as the reader careful communication at a time. 6. Ask more questions If you want to create more communication opportunities with your readers, ask more questions from your readers. Ask readers when they like to receive the content, and hope that the readers will make more comments and so on. 7, the amount should be large Quantity is the key to success. As long as the quantity is big enough, you will catch some people. 8, the length of the control in 3


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