金融学专业名词解释(Explanation of financial terms).doc

金融学专业名词解释(Explanation of financial terms).doc

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金融学专业名词解释(Explanation of financial terms)

金融学专业名词解释(Explanation of financial terms) Professional terms (2010-10-19 07:04:19) to explain financial reprint labels: on you Xichou (Accumulation): a market process, in general, small retail investors sold in this process, the main force in the purchase, is to collect stock. Line (Advance / Decline): a formula that indicates the ratio of the number of stocks to the number of stocks falling in a country. This formula allows stocks to remain unchanged. Arbitrage (Arbitrage): the act of buying a securities and selling another securities at the same time, making profit by price difference. Bear Market: a market in which overall price trends decline, also known as short positions, to sell stocks in case prices fall. People who think prices are going down are called bearish. Bull market (Bull Market): a market in which the overall price trend increases; the proportion of securities or assets that follow the general trend (e.g., up the market). The concept of shares issued (Blind Issue): no actual business shares issued by the company or companies that only the future of the aeriality plan issued shares. Bubble head (Blow-off Top): the head of a major bull market, formed by accelerated upward movements in the share price. Par value (Book Value): the net asset size of each share capital, formed by the accelerated rise in share prices. Exchange (Bourse): a market for securities (stock trading), commodities, precious metals, and foreign exchange transactions. The earliest exchange in the world was the house of the Vander Bowers family in Holland in sixteenth Century in Bruges. Breadth (Breadth): the proportion of securities or assets that follow the general trend (e.g., up or down the market) in a specific financial market. Breakthrough (Breakout): price changes break through a densely populated area. Formation (Broadening): a technical form that is oscillating in an increasingly wide range. Broker (Broker): a natural person or company who receives commissions and purchases


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