金融计量学硕士论文(Master of Science in Financial Econometrics).doc

金融计量学硕士论文(Master of Science in Financial Econometrics).doc

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金融计量学硕士论文(Master of Science in Financial Econometrics)

金融计量学硕士论文(Master of Science in Financial Econometrics) Master of Science in Financial Econometrics First, Chinas financial sector should be people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of Finance Since the Party Congress put forward the people-oriented Scientific Outlook on Development since the Chinese how financial practice of Scientific Outlook on Development Chinas financial sector has been a lot of research, but the research of a whole finance as a people-oriented financial and comprehensive coordinated and sustainable development of finance is rare. This article tries to combine the three to study how to implement Scientific Outlook on Development in Chinese finance. (I) people-oriented finance; People oriented is the core of Scientific Outlook on Development and the starting point and destination of the party and state work. The basic requirements of people can be summarized as follows: all starting from the people, for the people; is the starting point and destination point is; to man-made objects, to human body, to human purpose; finally is that everyone can develop freely, realize Marxs personal freedom is the development conditions and requirements of all free the development of the. To further develop Chinas finance, we should firmly grasp the core of Scientific Outlook on Development and implement it in real work. A comprehensive and profound understanding of the financial connotation of people oriented should be the first task before us. People oriented is the inherent essential requirement of Chinas finance. Chinas financial to achieve people-oriented, the most fundamental is respect for people. From the present stage, the respect for human beings should first overcome the serious financial exclusion phenomenon existing in Chinas financial sector. The so-called Financial Exclusion of vulnerable groups and the urgent need of the development of backward areas, which need the help of the financial support for the development of


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