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The young girl never give up, live to the last. The thing wrote down the words for self is great engineering, mutual help is greater. No matter the diary, film or TV drama, all of those are moving, tell us many things. Just like one said by her younger sister, “Obstacle has become one part of my sister’s life, when she feels painful, she knows it’s her growth .” Trouble like shadow of us, we can’t get rid of it, we just let it follow. * 一公升的眼泪 One liter of tears 木藤亚也 Aya Kito When Aya was 15-year-old ,she suffered from an incurable disease, but lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. The film, A Liter of Tears, is based on Aya Kito (木藤亚也 Kitō Aya, July 19, 1962 – May 23, 1988)‘s memoir(实录), released on February 10, 2005. Aya is a common Japanese girl, just like all the young girls at her age . She is full of hope, long for the future, want to have a sweet love, do something they can to help their parents, and run freely. When she was 15,the God plays a very cruel joke on her and totally change her life. she got spinocerebellum ataxia(小脑脊椎变性症)which can never be cured。 On October 11, 2005, a Japanese television drama was ran on Fuji Television, with 11 list of episodes. The title is one liter of tears. The cardinal symptom (主要症状)of spinocerebellum ataxia is something wrong with one’s cerebellum and spino. At first, the patient cannot walk steadily as the normal person. The condition is chronic(漫长的) and shows progressive deterioration(进展性恶化)。Later he or she can hardly move, hardly speak, latest cannot do anything . Without effective control,it will be life-threatening very soon. In television drama, before Aya got the incurable disease , she played basketball, was a conductor(乐队指挥), was good at study, got high in all the exam. After she suffered from disease, she often lose balance and fall down, can’t walk steadily. When she knows what happens to her. She asked her mother, “Why the devil of disease choose me, Mom? I am only 15 years old!” After


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