大学英语精读第三版 第一册第二单元课件.ppt

大学英语精读第三版 第一册第二单元课件.ppt

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大学英语精读第三版 第一册第二单元课件

Unit 2 Sailing Round the World Discussion Do you like adventures? Who is the adventurer you admire most? Say a few words about his and her adventurous deeds. Do you like traveling? Where do you want to travel? Let’s go! Warm-up activities Do you like adventures? Who is the adventurer you admire most? Say a few words about his and her adventurous deeds. Do you like traveling? Where do you want to travel? He was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in in northwestern Italy. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere 哥伦布 意大利航海家。生于意大利,卒于西班牙。一生从事航海活动。先后移居葡萄牙和西班牙。相信大地球形说,认为从欧洲西航可达东方的印度。在西班牙国王支持下,先后4次出海远航(1492~1493,1493~1496,1498~1500,1502~1504)。开辟了横渡大西洋到美洲的航路。 先后到达巴哈马群岛、古巴、海地、多米尼加、特立尼达等岛。在帕里亚湾南岸首次登上美洲大陆。考察了中美洲洪都拉斯到达连湾2000多千米的海岸线;认识了巴拿马地峡;发现和利用了大西洋低纬度吹东风,较高纬度吹西风的风向变化。证明了大地球形说的正确性。 麦哲伦 全名费迪南德·麦哲伦,西班牙语Fernando de Magallanes,1480-1521年4月27,葡萄牙人,为西班牙政府效力探险。1519年-1521年率领船队首次环航地球,死于菲律宾的部族冲突中。虽然他没有亲自环球,他船上的水手在他死后继续向西航行,回到欧洲。 Unit 2 Sailing Round the World Sir Francis Chichester(1901 – 1972)—— English aviator and adventurer Birthplace: Devon, Britain Achievements: As a young man, he went to New Zealand to work as a miner, salesman and land agent. In 1929, he made a solo flight to Australia in a biplane. In 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea from New Zealand to Australia. In 1960, he won the first solo transatlantic ocean race sailing from Plymouth, England to New York City in 40 days. In 1966-1967, he sailed around the world alone in a 55-foot sailing yacht, the longest passage made by a small sailing vessel without a port of call. In 1967, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. New words and expressions Solo ①n. a piece of music for one performer独唱(曲), 独奏(曲) 在音乐会上, 有三首钢琴独奏曲。 In the concert, there are three piano solos. New words and expressions ②adj


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