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32  5          Vo l.32 N o.5 2009 5 CH IN ESE JOU RNA L OF CO M P UT E RS M ay 2009   1), 2) 1) 3) 4) 周水庚  李 丰  陶宇飞  肖小奎 1)(  200433) 2)(  200433) 3)( ) 4)( )   , .., 、、., 、, , : ., .  ;;;;; ; T P 309    DOI :10.3724/SP.J.10 16.2009.00847 Privacy Preservation in Database Applications:A Survey ZH OU Shu -Geng1), 2 ) LI F eng1) T A O Y u-Fe 3) XIA O X ao-Ku 4 ) 1)(Schoolof Computer Science and Technology, FudanUniversity, Shanghai 200433) 2)(ShanghaiKey Laboratory of Intelligent Inf ormation Processing, FudanUniversity, Shanghai 200433) 3 )(D ep artmentof Comp uter Science and Engineering, Chinese University of ong Kong, ong Kong, China) 4)(Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, USA ) Abstract A s t he emergence and developm ent of database appl cat ons such as dat a publ sh ng and dat a m n ng , a challenge to the dat abase co mmun ty s t o prese rv e data pr vacy and prev ent sens t ve nf orma t on fro m d sclo sure.P r v acy-preserv ng techn que s sho uld be conduc ve to the appl cat o ns w h le preserv ng dat a pr vacy .Based on d f ferent pr nc ples, var ou s pr vacy-pre ser- v ng t echn ques are developed, such as d st or t on, encrypt o n and l m ted d st r but o n.T h s paper surveys the st ate of t he art of pr vacy preservat o n techn ques f or database appl cat o ns.T he mechan sms and character st cs of var ou s techn ques a re descr bed, w h le focu s s put o n data an - o ny m zat o n, w h ch s a ho t top c n the f el


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