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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The SHOC represents ADLINKs single most significant investment in ADLINKs 15 year history. This successful opening further demonstrates ADLINKs world-class capabilities in the industrial computing industry. The goal of establishing the SHOC is to provide ADLINK with a first-rate operations center. For which, countless resources were utilized for the architectural design and interior layout of the center. * * The ADLINK SHOC building site is approximately three times greater than ADLINKs Taipei, Taiwan headquarters. * * * * * Many key international customers have expressed their desire to enter the emerging China market. The SHOC will not only create competitive advantages for ADLINK in terms of cost savings and time to market, but also bridge our partners crossing the chasm to China by delivering services with more and better strategic value. The SHOC platform integration concept will include design, certification, manufacturing, system assembly, testing, logistics, etc., which will further strengthen our relationship with our customers and partners to jointly develop new business models and opportunities. To name a few more add-on services, within the SHOC facilities are also office spaces for rent to our international partners and customers to expand into the China market. We have also established a product verification laboratory to provide verification and technical support for related products. * * A significant amount of capital has been invested in quality assurance equipment, in addition to building board assembly (SMT and DIP) and system assembly lines. Furthermore, along with the equipment necessary for an electromagnetic interference (EMI) lab and vibration and temperature testing, ADLINK has also procured the worlds most advanced accelerated testing system, the Qualmark Typhoon 4.0. Within the SHOC facilities are also office spaces for rent to our international partners and customers to expand into the China market. * *


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