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82 2003 11 : 19 以直鲁农村手工纺织业为例 张 思 ( , 300071) [ ] 19 ; ; [ ] 19 , , , ; , [ ] K25; F125 [ ] A [ ] 2003) TortuousDevelopmentof ChineseRural Handicraft th Industry at theEndof 19 Century ZHANG Si (CCSH , N ankai University, Tianj in 300071, China) t Key ords:End of 19 century; Z ili and S andong Provinces; rural cotton textile industry t Abstract:At t e end of t e 19 century, under t e influx of t e foreign cotton textiles, t e rural cotton textile industry in Z ili and S andong Provinces underwent a drastic decline, but t is also meant opportunities for t e economic development in t ese ar eas.T ey ad to catc up w it developed regions domestically and compete wit t e foreign manufacturers w o produced t eir products industriously.T is tortuous development was conditioned by complicated and interrelated factors.T ere are tw o views t at require more debates. One is t at foreign cotton textiles and goods ad never entered into t e Nort C ina interland; t e ot er is w et er imperialism is an actuality or a myt .And it also deserves attent ion t at t e rural economy revealed strong toug ness in face of t e sudden c anges.And it is significant t at t e rural economy displayed a conspicuous flexibility to absorb t e new tec nology and production met od. , 19 , , 19 ( ) , 40 , , , 20 80 [5] ( p11


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