Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案.doc

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Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案

Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案 Unit4 Earthquaes-riting教案 Nes riting Teahing ais: 1 Get students t learn h t rite nes; 2 Train students the abilit t perate ith eah ther and t searh fr infratin; 3 Learn re abut Tangshan earthquae and hnr the peple f Tangshan Teahing diffiulties: 1 H t ae students learn riting in a re pratial and effetive a; 2 H t help students understand the tips fr riting Teahing predure: Step 1: Lead-in ----The 30th anniversar f Tangshan earthquae (nes) T: e have learnt the Tangshan earthquae hen did it happen? H an peple died during the earthquae? Step 2: Presentatin f students? nes riting (her f last lass) ----pint ut the istaes in nes riting arding t three aspets T: u have finished the nes riting f Tangshan earthquae, and n it?s tie fr u t sh ur pret thers have t pint ut the istaes in his r her riting arding t three aspets ----Three aspets: headline; ntent and language T: hat d u thin f his r her riting? Is it a prper nes riting? hat have u dne befre ur riting? Step 3: Tips fr riting 1 Preparatin ---- an utline Preparatin: hse a tpi; deide hat u ant t sa abut the tpi; rganize ur ideas and rite learl utline: A headline; a list f ain ideas; A list f iprtant details 2 Headline ⑴ Appreiatin f headlines Ne business regulatins; Ne tax n husing sales A Night the Earth didn’t Sleep; lists Read t G n the Rad fr Blind ids; hina ars 30th Anniversar f Tangshan Earthquae; Des Beiing sna hange its flavr? eries f quae die hard fr Tangshan survivrs; ha hien-ing released ⑵ harateristis f headlines Q: hat’s the harateristi f headlines? ⑶ pratie ---- rite headlines fr the flling nes arding t the piture and infratin given Fld relief effrts----The death tll n the hinese ainland fr Tphn aei has risen t 32, ith at least 6 still issing Lal gvernents are sparing n effrts t arr ut relief r PLA elebrates 79th birthda----The hinese Peple’s Liberatin Ar is 79 ears ld, and the Defense inistr has held a reeptin t elebrate Quae hits Indnesian island----A derate earthqua



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