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中国烘焙行业五力竞争模型分析 摘要:随着我国经济的不断发展,人们对于生活水平的追求越来越高,烘焙食品作为一种时 尚、便捷、健康的食品,越来越多地走进我们的生活。本文通过波特五力竞争模型分 析中国烘焙行业的现状。首先,对中国烘焙行业的现状特征、市场规模、未来预测、 区域分布和经营模式进行了简单介绍,并通过数据加以说明,对现有的问题也进行了 一定的思考。接着使用五力竞争模型对于行业进行详细分析,从来自潜在进入者的威 胁、来自现有竞争者的威胁、来自替代品的威胁、消费者的议价能力和来自供应商的 议价能力五方面,对现今的中国烘焙行业进行详细的分析。最后,就分析结果提出复 核我国烘焙行业现状的战略建议。 Michael Porters Five Forces Model Analysis for China’s Baking Industry Tang Yun Student No. 5111209057 (Antai College of Economics and Management) Abstract: As China’s economy rapidly develops in the past years, people have higher request to their life quality. Bakery food, since it’s fashion, convenient and healthy, becomes more and more popular in our daily life. This essay used Michael Porters Five Forces Model to analyze the current situation of China’s baking industry. Firstly, this essay briefly introduced the features of nowadays ’ baking industry, and its market size, future prediction, regional distribution and sales methods, with the help of data and details, and provided a simple consider to the existing problems. Next, this essay used the five forces model to analyze nowadays ’market, which includes the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitute products or services, the threat of established rivals, the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of customers. At last, we gave some appropriate suggestion on competition strategy with the actual conditions of our country. 关键词:烘焙业 波特五力竞争模型 战略建议 Key Words: Baking industry, Porter ’s five forces model, Strategy 1 / 26 【投资学】中国烘焙行业五力竞争模型分析 安泰经济与管理学院 1 中国烘焙行业概况 1.1 中国烘焙行业简述 烘焙食品主要包括面包、糕点、饼(饼干、月饼、烤饼等)、方便食品等几大类。随着 中国经济的迅速发展和人们收入水平的提高,越来越多的城市消费者追求美味、健康、


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