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DOI :10.16111/j.0258 -7106.2011.06.002 2011 12      30   6 December, 2011 MINERA L DEPOSIT S Vol.30  No.6   :0258-7106 (2011)06-0979-23 - U-Pb 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 胡 浩 , 李建威 , 邓晓东 (1 ,  430074;2 ,  430074)   -, , , 。 (、、、、、)U-Pb 。 158~ 131 M , —。 , , 〔(150 ±1)~ (149 ±1)M 〕, 30 M 〔(158±2)~ (131±1)M 〕。 U-Pb - , —。 , , , 。 -—, , 。  ;U-Pb ;LA-ICP-MS;-;; :P6 18.31;P618.41              :A LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of granitoid intrusions related to iron- copper polymetallic deposits in Luonan-Lushi area of southern North China Craton and its geological implications 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 HU H o , LI Ji nWei nd DENG Xi oDong (1 St te Key L bor tory of Geologic l Processes nd Miner l Resources, Wuh n 430074, Hubei, Chin ; 2 F culty of E rth Resources, Chin University of Geosciences, Wuh n 430074, Hubei, Chin ) Abstract Gr nitoid intrusions, which re w idely distributed in Luon n-Lushi re on the southern m rgin of the North Chin Cr ton, consist mostly of K-feldsp r gr nite porphyry nd qu rtz diorite nd re closely rel ted to lots of porphyry nd sk rn Fe-Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn polymet llic deposits in this re .Nevertheless, precise numeric l constr ints on the empl cement ges of these intrusions, w hich re of import nce in the underst nding of the tec- tonic setting of region l m gm tism, re very insufficient.In this p per, the uthors present high-precision zir- con U-Pb ges of seven represent tive gr nitoid intrusions by using l ser


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