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涂料与胶粘剂 (Coatings and Adhesives) 第一章总结 胶粘剂,涂料的内涵、特点、分类 及作用。 形成粘接的原因及条件 第二章 粘接基本原理 Adhesion fundamental  2.1 粘附现象与粘接的吸附理论 Adhesion and surface Adsorption theory  2.2 聚合物的相溶性和粘接的扩散理论 Compatibility and diffusion theory  2.3 被粘材料的表面形态与粘接的机械结合理论 Surface topography and mechanical interlock theory  2.4 固体表面润湿现象及粘附功 Surface wettability and thermodynamic work of adhesion  2.5 被粘材料的表面处理与弱边界层理论 Surface treatment and weak layer theory 2.1粘附现象与粘接的吸附理论 粘附一般概念:粘性物质附着在别的物体上 科学含义? 2.1.1 表面(surface )与界面(interface)  观察到的都是表面(what we observed by eye is the surface of subject)  表面与生命(surface and life)  表面与自然(surface and nature)  自然界、日常生活和生产中到处存在界面现象。 (the actions of interface is related to the phenomenon of nature ,of daily life and of production) 材料中的界面化学问题:  从制造和应用。Production and Application of 乳液(emulsion),涂料(coatings),共混(blending),浮 选(floatation ),粘合(adhesion ),磨擦(attrition ),合金(alloy )。  在人类居住的地球上,有三态:固态(Solid),液态(Liquid )和气态(Gas )。气体无处不在 两相的接触面不可能分割开来。 (the movability of gas is very well, all the gas mixed together is one phase ,and every object contact with gas in the earth surroundings ,so there is no real surface bu interface. Absorption , oxidation and diffusion is the result of the action of the molecular among the interface, so there is no distinct boundary at two surfaces ) ,  因此对表面作做出准确的科学定义比较困难。(how to give a proper definition of surface? ) 表面(surface )(bulk)  物体(固体)的表面,是真空状态下,物体内部与真空之间的过渡区域,是物 体最外面的几层原子和覆盖其上的一些外来分子所形成的表面层。 The outer or the topmost boundary of an object, and a material layer constituting such a boundary in vacuum. Including some outer layers of atom and mixed molecular from other substance.  厚度,形态,性质: here the surface is not a traditional concept, is a concept of thickness and configuration  表面从几何上的意义:具有二维因次的一块面积,即然是二维的,没有厚度和 体积。


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